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天天报道:椰壳上的海南故事 Hainan on Coconut Shell


由海南广播电视总台外宣部制作的中英文版《海南自贸港》栏目,本周六在凤凰卫视欧洲台播出—《椰壳上的海南故事》(Hainan on Coconut Shell):精美的海南椰雕里蕴含着怎样的海南故事?传统椰雕工艺如何赢得外国友人青睐?椰雕这门古老的工艺能否漂洋过海,传承海外?

Introduction: The Chinese and English version of "Hainan Free-Trade Port" produced by Documentary Department of Hainan Broadcasting Station will be aired on PCNE on Saturday. "Hainan on Coconut Shell": What"s the story behind the exquisite Hainan coconut carvings? How has such a traditional craft won the favor of international friends? Will the time-honored art cross the seas and reach overseas audience?


